Manifesto for Change

I believe in the unique value each of us brings. While many things unite us, helping to create a shared humanity, each of us is special in our own way. You are special, and your job is to bring forth that unique self for all to see and experience. 

I believe you can build visibility, credibility, and influence for yourself in more ways than one — and I believe you must. This is a task for you and no one else because it requires a deep understanding of who you are as an individual, including your values, character and goals.

Others may try to convince you that you don’t have what it takes to carry this out, that someone else is better suited to figuring out how to position you. But my experience has shown me time and again that you can find it within yourself to define who you are, articulate where you’re headed, and speak of the things that matter and hold value for you.

So, what does this mean for you?

It means you start today. Start from where you are at this moment and with what you have. Begin by developing more clarity about who you are, what you do, and your key outcomes. Then, articulate that in your public profile. This can be made visible on your website, LinkedIn profile and your social media channels. 

You can also begin refining your ideas about building a tribe around you —  a support system and an audience who not only seeks what you have to offer but is willing to amplify your message. 

Begin collating, shaping, and documenting your journey: your key goals, desired outcomes, experiences, and more, into a distinct and tangible body of work. 

#YesYouCan #BuildInfluence

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