Career Support

You're a jobseeker

Do you need guidance and support in presenting yourself through your resume? 

To be effective, you need a clear sense of your purpose, key outcomes you’re interested in, and an understanding of what recruiters are looking for. You must present yourself clearly while tailoring your resume to what recruiters consider relevant.

The value of a LinkedIn profile

Your resume alone is not enough.

Do you need a LinkedIn profile or do you need your profile optimised? Tick off which of the following applies to you:

  • I’m looking for my dream job
  • I’ve recently lost my job
  • It’s time for a career change, but how do I start?
  • I want to attract the right companies
  • I want to be noticed professionally and recognised for my expertise

If you’ve ticked one or more, we should chat. Millions of people are already using LinkedIn to achieve all of the above. Let me show you how.

You don’t just need to have a LinkedIn profile – you must remain active and engaged on the platform.

What goes into a LinkedIn profile makeover?

  • a resume review
  • a review of additional materials you may have, such as presentations, talks you’ve delivered, videos you’ve created and published, and other relevant documents
  • development of a strong positioning statement/summary – this section captures who you are, what you do, and why people in related fields should connect with you
  • creation of an appropriate ‘call to action’ (CTA) on your profile that matches your objectives
  • feedback on your visual assets and artwork
  • inclusion of relevant keywords that should be part of your profile
  • proofreading and general editing

What else? 

Consider developing your elevator pitch.

Your pitch allows you to present yourself in a clear and concise manner. You want to be memorable, and it’s to your advantage to ensure that your in-person presentation aligns with and complements your online presence.

This is where your elevator pitch becomes essential.

Further reading:


I can help with all of the above: resume reviews, LinkedIn profile optimisation, and one-on-one coaching to help you develop or refine your elevator pitch.

I can also assist with:

  • growing your list of LinkedIn connections
  • writing a compelling “cold call” InMail or invitation to connect
  • crafting impactful recommendations
  • requesting recommendations
  • developing a content strategy for posting on LinkedIn
  • understanding the mechanics of article writing
  • incorporating visual assets into your profile


I also offer workshops covering all three areas through a program called Jobseeker Jumpstart.

What customers say

Recommendation - Christiano S

Additional resources

Rowena Morais - Jobseeker Help Series
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