Hello and welcome. I created this “Start here” page to help you have the best possible experience, particularly if you are new here. This page provides a brief introduction to this site and possible next steps to navigate around here.
I believe that each of us has it within us to build and enhance our professional visibility, credibility and authority. In other words, we can build more influence for ourselves.
My mission is to help you achieve this and I do this through a three-pronged approach. I write on this topic, I publish videos, and I share resources.
You can apply the strategy I share and various ideas to help you:
refine your elevator pitch
decide on your positioning
distinguish yourself from your business, particularly if you are a freelancer, consultant or solopreneur
develop your professional brand and executive presence
identify the audience you want to build
define and develop your body of work
apply for roles that interest you
and much more
Decide whether you need help to:
Develop a clear and compelling digital profile.
Grow a large and relevant network.
Build a robust body of work that showcases your experience and expertise.
Learn where you can find my best content on topics such as your digital profile, growing your network, body of work, career, communication, entrepreneurship and more.
Short version: I empower SME businesses to get discovered, gain new customers and grow through compelling narratives. I help individuals to strengthen their professional identity and credibility. I help jobseekers find work they love, find jobs that match their skill sets, and manage career pivots. If you would like more detailed information, click for the long version.