Don't be afraid to shine your light - featuring Alice Rixon

Don’t Be Afraid to Shine your Light

I met Alice Rixon through the beautiful platform we all know as LinkedIn. As I have come to discover over and over, what we know of people and what we see is always just a tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to uncover if we take the time and really listen.

Build Body Mindfulness Today

Build Body Mindfulness Today

A meetup I ran last Saturday brought a painful realisation home for me. Exercise is important not only for its touted benefits of muscular strength, endurance, improved cardiovascular system and energy to run our day.

What I Learned in 2020 - Rowena Morais

What I Learned in 2020

Like you, I learned a lot about myself in 2020. All the pain, heartache and disappointment also brought about discovery, innovation and gratitude. Joy in the little things, in what I have, in a happy progression of my journey, in things as they are.

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