
LinkedIn Profile Tuneup

Service:  The LinkedIn Profile Tune-Up
Fee: USD430

Does your LinkedIn profile speak to the experiences and expertise you can bring to your role? This Tune-Up will review the language you’ve used to describe and position yourself on LinkedIn and address inconsistencies, gaps, typos, a general editorial clean up as well as find the best way to position you and what you have to offer. Find out more.

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Leveraging LinkedIn

Service : Leveraging LinkedIn Coaching
Fee: USD85 (MYR350)

Sometimes, it is challenging to manage all the different aspects of your career.

How do you find the jobs you’re looking for?
Should you attach a cover letter with your resume?
Do you want to connect to someone in a role you’re attracted to or who’s working on a project you’re keen to get involved in?
How do you begin to reach out to a new connection to explore ideas or opportunities?
Should you explore writing articles on LinkedIn to raise your visibility?

If you’re at a crossroads or feeling stuck, let’s work together so you gain the confidence and clarity to create a plan that works. So whether you’re looking for a new role or organisation to join, wanting to take on a more entrepreneurial approach, considering a LinkedIn/resume makeover, I’ll provide you with support every step of the way through this private one-on-one coaching session.

Limited spaces for a one hour private one-on-one coaching session. Find out more.

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